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Quality Controls

Quality Controls and why they matter

1 - Stainless steel, food-grade, non-porous work tables and spoons.

Why is it important? - It's important to use items that are food-safe and easy to sanitize and clean as many types of materials such as most plastics can leech, and are often porous which can lead to long-term contamination or grit buildup, even on a microscopic level. Having non-porous work surfaces and items that we use to touch products with that don't leech or have the potential for porous contamination is important to keeping our workspace sanitary.

2 - FDA Approved Food-Safe Mylar Bags

Why is it important? - The designation of being FDA-Approved Food-Safe means that the manufacturing process for these bags is such that they are manufactured to be sanitary when they are opened and loaded, not all product bags have this designation. We combine these bags with our sanitation practices, including a medical-grade air filter, constantly sanitized surfaces, protective gear (designed to protect both us and the product being packed) and disposable nitrile gloves. We would rather spend more, to deliver more!

3 - Medical Quality Air Filter in the Lab

Why is it important? - By using FDA-Approved Food-Safe Mylar Bags (the highest grade on the market), a high quality green sanitizing agent on our food-grade stainless steel equipment (with the sanitizing agent being picked up by a green 'detergent'), and gloves, lab coats and masks; when your products are packed they have the lowest possibility for contamination. This means anything that goes into the bag stays sanitary. In 3 years we have had no problems in regards to contamination of end-purchase products, and we intend to continue to pay the much higher prices these items cost to keep it that way!

4 - Nitrile Gloves, Lab Coats, Hair Nets, Masks
Why is it important? - These are some of the basic items that prevent contamination, and in conjunction with our processes, which leave the least room for contamination, they are integral to a sanitary packaging environment for our products. We also use goggles, but those are to keep the dust from gooping up our eyes (nano-grind product is very fine and very light).

5 - Truly Green (not "greenwashed") Sanitizing Agent and Cleaning Agents

Why is it important? - Chemical contamination is a problem many don't think about much, but there are a few reasons why this is important. The sanitizing agent we use is effective against over 99.99% of germs, which is the highest rating for a sanitizing agent (many are 99.9%, which isn't close to being as effective as the higher rating), but beyond that it isn't a harsh, and excessively toxic chemical that may contaminate product or area (and thus possibly contaminate the product via transfer). As well, many sanitizing agents are less effective, and more harmful. They also make their way into the water system, and affect air quality. 

We then clean up the sanitizing agent with a green, detergent-like product that picks up the sanitizing agent and anything it may  have killed on the surface to remove them completely, which is followed by a pure water rinse and dry.

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